21 Things While I Am 21

This is a super cute idea I stole from my friend’s wonderful older sister Ashlie of Simple Girl. You can find her list here.

Here is a list of some things I want to accomplish while I am twenty-one!

1. Tour the Yuengling brewery down the street.

Did this on my birthday last year, doing it again next weekend with my sister 🙂

2. Try a different fitness class each month. My roommate wants us to try tai chi, I’ve been wanting to get back into yoga, I’d like to try a spin class. What is your favorite fitness class?

Totally did not do this at all.

3. Get my third tattoo. I’ve been thinking either a daffodil piece on my shoulder, or my Simon and Garfunkel tattoo. You’ll hear more about these.

Got the daffodil just before my 21st birthday so that didn’t count, but I got another one a month ago so bam 🙂

4. Try twenty-one new beers (and document each).

I’m sure I tried that many beers, but I didn’t document them.

5. Go berry/orange/apple/something-picking.

Nope 😦 Must do this one soon though.

6. Take at least one college course. In anything. I can’t afford to go back to school full time, but I could certainly save up to take one little course.


7. Buy at least one new tire.

Did this!

8. Read twelve books! I know this seems like a tiny number, but compared to the amount of reading I have done this past year… trust me, it’s monumental. The idea is one book per month. I have so many books sitting around my room that I started and never finished, so this will be a way to knock some of those out. I’d also like to get through some of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, but am not sure what else – What is your favorite book?

I read like…one or two books… 😦

9. Go camping.


10. Go on more dates! I went on more job interviews than dates this past year, kind of sad, I know. I had a grand total of zero boyfriends, which I am completely fine with, I still don’t think I even want one, but this girl could use some romance sometimes. I know I can’t control how many people ask me out on dates, but I am going to make a point to put myself out there, to go out and meet new people, and to approach people I find interesting or attractive, rather than shyly try to make eye contact from across the room.

Um yeah I started dating Danny shortly after this, so.

11. Attend at least 5 concerts. I was never really a live music fan, but after attending Warped Tour for the first time this summer and a few other shows, I’m hooked.

After that I went to Next Big Thing, I went to see Twenty One Pilots at the State Theatre, and then I saw TWP/P!ATD/FOB like two weeks ago at the Sundome. So, close.

12. Finally go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show one of these Saturday nights. It’s right down the street, I’ve no excuse.


13. Road trip / take a train / fly somewhere I’ve never been.


14. Resume giving blood every 52 days. I used to be really good about this but I’ve been slacking. Here’s to getting back on track.

Um, I gave blood once I think.

15. Learn to cook chicken.

Did this just last weekend!! I made some lemon chicken that was FAB.

16. Go to Lowry Park Zoo.

Pathetically, I have still not done this. Although, after watching Blackfish I’m anti-captivity so, I don’t really have any interest in going to the zoo.

17. Watch a meteor shower.


18. Have my palm read.


19. Try every new food that is offered to me that I have never tried before.

I’m pretty sure yes. I make a point to try new foods all the time.

20. Vote in the presidential election, and on every amendment (and research them ahead of time)! This will be the first I am able to vote in.

Yes! I was working with OFA, so.

21. Lose fifteen pounds.

HAHA nope. Probably gained 15. Oh well, I look hot.

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