Tag Archives: bon iver

Too Blessed to Be Stressed

While driving home from another long day of work, feeling worn out and blue, I was planning a blog post in my head. I was going to throw a little pity party and whine about life’s unfairness. About how all of my tires are bald and one of them is going to pop soon (I can tell because my car is doing this thing were it is bouncing up and down when I drive it, but not in a fun hydraulics kind of way, in a my-tire-is-going-to-burst way), and it still seems to have an overheating problem, and I almost die every time I drive in the rain, and my gas light just came on and I have $1 in my bank account until Thursday. I was going to complain about being in the middle of a seven consecutive day workweek because I picked up a shift on my last day off. I was going to talk about how poor I am, how I wish I had insurance, how rent is due, how I hate smelling like doughnuts and being treated poorly by customers. I was going to quote William Faulkner. Tell you how much I want a cold beer and how I’ve started smoking again and I can’t seem to lose weight. But I think I will save all that for another day.

Because I came home to find a brand new pair of eyeglasses in a box by the door. And then I found an unsecured wireless connection in my bedroom. And heck, my tire didn’t explode. Joseph (whom I adore and am loving as a roommate) and I have the money for rent (which I will be running to Amscot shortly to pay), and that makes us lucky.

Now I am listening to Bon Iver and gleefully typing on the internet and smelling like soap because I just shaved my legs. I am sitting at my desk by my pretty curtains with the sunlight coming in. I’m going to get a big fat paycheck on Thursday because I worked some overtime. I’m starting back at Godiva tomorrow after my other job. My birthday is in ten days, and I’ll be doing fun things with people I love, and utilizing some PAID time off (unreal how awesome PTO is, right?). I’m going to be okay.

Here’s to focusing on the good.


Speaking of these glasses, I have Coastal.com to thank for them. Using promo code “FIRSTPAIRFREE” all you have to pay is shipping (like $16) on a brand new pair of beautiful glasses. I just ordered them Tuesday and here they are. They came with a nice hard case and lens cleaner. Baller status.